Minhas artes

Ontem aqui na minha terrinha, foi feriado em homenagem a Nossa Senhora de Caravaggio, a festa foi linda, tinha Romaria, missa etc... eu aproveitei para ficar em casa e praticar o meu hobby, que ha muito tempo eu não tinha umas horinhas para fazer minhas coisinhas em e.v.a, que eu tanto gosto.
Sempre faço coisas para a escola, mas para mim... nunca sobra tempo.
Estes 2 primeiros quadrinhos foram para a Casa da Pri,os outros dois serão presentes de duas mamães lindas e gravidíssimas, para enfeitar a porta da maternidade e depois o quartinhos dos babyes.

14 carinhos recebidos:

Cristina Silva - Adoleta disse...

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3 de junho de 2010 às 09:17
Adriana disse...

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Tem muita coisa bonita. Parabéns.

8 de junho de 2010 às 11:58
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6 de abril de 2023 às 13:18
Linda Glori disse...

"Minhas Artes exhibits an amazing exhibition of ability and inventiveness. The vibrant colors and complex details of the artwork captivate the observer and make it both aesthetically attractive and emotionally resonant. Each painting reflects the artist's own perspective and style, bringing a new angle on a variety of topics. The variety of materials and techniques used reveals a skill level that is adaptable. It is obvious that Minhas Artes is a talented artist with a bright future in the field of art.
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14 de setembro de 2023 às 04:34
liam disse...

Minhas Artes is a diverse portfolio of artistic expressions, showcasing a versatile and skillful approach to various mediums. The artist's ability to evoke emotion and capture depth is evident in every piece, making it visually engaging and thought-provoking. The use of color and composition reflects a keen artistic sensibility, inviting viewers into a world where creativity knows no bounds. Each creation tells a unique story, leaving a lasting impression on anyone appreciating the beauty of Minhas Artes. Is New York A No Fault State Divorce

26 de dezembro de 2023 às 07:51
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7 de janeiro de 2024 às 00:45
marcosteffan disse...

In the arts, celebrating individual expression and creativity is crucial. Constructive feedback enhances growth, focusing on strengths and areas for improvement. Artists' personal connection with their work is valuable, and acknowledging the uniqueness of each endeavor adds depth to the creative landscape. Encouraging open-mindedness fosters artistic exploration and innovation. New York Divorce Statutes

2 de fevereiro de 2024 às 04:53
charloteequeen disse...

"Minhas Artes" (translated as "My Arts") is a captivating showcase of creativity and expression. Each piece tells a unique story, capturing the essence of the artist's imagination and skill. The vibrant colors, intricate details, and heartfelt emotions woven into every creation make this collection truly enchanting. Your artistic journey shines through, offering viewers a glimpse into the depths of your talent and passion. Keep on creating and inspiring; "Minhas Artes" is a testament to the beauty that blossoms when creativity knows no bounds. Bravo! 🎨✨ #ArtisticGenius #CreativeSpirit

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2 de fevereiro de 2024 às 08:12
Kingston disse...

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The text praises the artist's impressive artwork, highlighting their attention to detail, creativity, unique style, and ability to use color to evoke emotion and atmosphere. They also praise their talent for capturing intricate details and bringing scenes to life. The artist's portfolio demonstrates a wide range of skills and techniques, from delicate linework to bold compositions. The author is excited to see the artist's artistic journey evolve and grow, and encourages them to keep up the fantastic work, as their art has the power to inspire and captivate audiences.

17 de abril de 2024 às 03:23

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